How to Determine the Need of a Car Repair by Diagnosing Noises?

Car Repairs

A car provides its best performance when it’s taken care of regularly. Being a car owner, you should be attentive in looking into all kinds of issues your car faces. From lubrication to mechanical repair, you must perform all the necessary tasks that enhance the good performance of the vehicle.

Identify the Causes of Your Car’s Noises:

When the vital components of your car make weird noises, you should be more cautious. These could be the initial signs of danger. You should trust only a professional car repair service in Epsom to diagnose these problems. They have the experience to provide quality solutions to get your vehicle back on track.

How to Repair Your Car by Diagnosing the Noises:

Here are some common noises that may come out of your vehicle. You should be proactive in identifying and repairing them without delay.

  • Clunking or Creaking Noise: If you hear creaky mechanical noise, the car suspension might be in danger. It is a crucial system that maximises the friction between the tyres and the road. The suspension system might face some wear and tear after using your car for a long time. The creaking noise may happen due to loose nuts or shrunken rubbers.
  • Rotational Noises: This is another persistent issue that may indicate damage to your car wheels. You should understand that your wheel bearing might be in danger if you face some rotational noise. These are important components that reduce friction and help the wheels to rotate. Therefore, you should ensure repairing this problem with a professional’s help.
  • Squeaking or Whining Noise: You may face this issue while turning the vehicle. The symptom may be caused by low-power steering fluid. It is an important lubricant that maintains the link between the steering and the front wheel. The fluid is also crucial in maintaining the longevity of the vehicle’s moving parts and preventing corrosion or damage. When it is low, you should refill it with the help of a professional car repairer.

These are the common car noises that may be the initial signs of car damage. Fix them by taking help from a reliable source for car repairs in Epsom. Communicate with Nork Motor Engineering, an independent garage that can provide quality service in repairing your car. We can fix issues with different components of your car. With our help, you can get back a car that puts out optimum performance. To learn more, you can visit our website today.

4 Cost Effective Repairs to Make Your Car More Functional

Car repairs

No matter your car type, you always want it to run smoothly through the roads. However, some technical problems may stop your car from operating properly. To solve that, you need to visit a garage to perform repairs.

Repair Works are Expensive:

Getting your car repaired is both extensive and expensive. The car owners advise taking care of your car regularly to avoid major issues and spending a fortune on repairs. However, there are a few cost-effective repair methods that you may follow to keep your car’s performance high.

Cost-Effective Ways for Proper Functioning of Your Car:

To avoid frequent visits to car repairs in Epsom, you can try the following tricks to keep your vehicle functional.

  • Lower the Suspension: This technique can make your car look great and improve its speed significantly. You need not hit the brakes too hard when you need to stop it. Change the leaf springs to bring down the suspension of the vehicle. It will only cost you a few pounds for the parts and service charges if you collaborate with your garage.
  • Upgrade the Brakes: The brakes are important components related to your car’s overall performance. You can redesign or upgrade the brakes to increase the car’s speed. Check the brake hoses and apply brake fluids for a smooth operation. This is a vital task that will cushion the strain on your car’s stopping mechanism.
  • Change the Air Filter: An air channel is common in all types of cars. This segment is crucial to prevent residue and other forms of finer rubbish from entering your car’s engine. If the air filter does not function properly, your car engine may cease to function properly and affect the car motor. Changing the air channels occasionally would not hurt your car care budget.
  • Change the Spark Plugs: Outdated, dirty spark plugs can pose a serious problem to your vehicle. It can cause multiple issues like diminishing the engine performance, causing a fire and releasing fumes and discharge. If you feel that your spark plugs need to be changed, do it promptly to avoid paying a large amount for repair in the future.

Following these car maintenance tricks won’t cost you much and will keep your car highly functional. To get tips from a professional, you can contact a reliable source like a garage. Communicate with Nork Motor Engineering, who is an expert in this field. They are a premier car repair in Epsom that can provide extensive repair work to retain your vehicle’s best performance. For more information, you can visit our website.

Top Signs Your Car Engine is Damaged and Needs Repair

Car Repairs

Taking care of the car’s engine is essential to ensure your car’s smooth running and durability. You may find difficulties in recognising if your car repair is needed. We often overlook the signs our cars might give us, like suspicious sounds while starting, excessive smoke and others. Here are some signs you should check in your car to understand whether car engine repair is required.

Signs For Damaged Car Engine


  • Different Noises


  1. Knocking

If you notice your car engine making weird noises that are not normal, address it. Different noises signal different problems, like knocking or thumping sound signifies worn out or loose rod bearings, and it’s suggested to repair it first instead of keeping driving.

  1. Squealing

On the other hand, if your car’s engine is letting out loud ear-splitting squeaks, it signifies a worn out or loose fan belt which prevents it from moving at the same speed, resulting in the loud sound. You may also fix it yourself by referring to the car’s instruction book if it isn’t much loose. The replacement may be required if it’s too worn out.

  1. Grinding

This noise just not irritates you but also means shaving away your front brake pads every time you drive the car. The car’s braking reduces drastically when the last bit of the pad is damaged, and consequently, the metal backing plate clamps straight onto the brake disc. This situation needs to be addressed as the earliest.

  • Extreme Smoke Emission

The emission of clear fume from the car’s tailpipe is fine, but blue, black and white smoke emission isn’t normal.

  1. Black Smoke

Puffing out of black smoke signifies clogged air filters. This can be solved by simple replacement, but you may need to check the air-to-fuel ratio if it still doesn’t get resolved.

  1. Blue Smoke

Blue smoke puffs out when oil leaks from the engine and burn alongside the fuel. In such a case, you must take your car to the garage to repair any worn or damaged seals.

  1. White Smoke

A combination of water condensation or antifreeze with the fuel supply leads to puffing out of white smoke. You can avoid it temporarily by topping up on your coolant or antifreeze but visiting a technician is advisable.

We at Nork Motor Engineering offer various expert garage services, including car repairs and servicing, MOT testing, welding and chassis repairs, and others. Get in touch with us today if you’re looking for car repairs in Epsom and nearby areas.

3 Common Car Repairs Mistakes You Should Avoid

Car Repairs

People love their cars, and they wish to take proper care of the vehicle to avoid an untimely demise. However, witnessing the higher cost of some of the professional assistance for car repairs in Sutton, some car owners prefer to take the matter into their own. But, they need to understand that all the car repair matters do not come under the DIY category.

Even if you have been driving your car for several years, you might not have all the knowledge about car repair like a licensed automobile mechanic. Some jobs must be done by the experts only.


Expensive Car Repairs that Are Not DIY Types

  • Glass and Windshield Repairs

Though you might have seen thousands of videos online that show how easy it is to replace or repair your car’s windshield with adhesives and a few more tools, the matter is not as easy as you think. There are matters involved like right measurement, using the authentic parts, alignment seal, trim pieces, and repair injector. Only a professional can have complete knowledge about all of these and offer you the right service.

  • Car Body Paint

If you think that this is the easiest repair job that you can try on your own to give your car a new look, you need to rethink. Using car body paints correctly and following the exact technique requires vast knowledge and high skills. The application process of car body paint is critical. It involves toxic chemicals and is a time-consuming matter. Ask for professional help to avoid severe mistakes and save money.

  • Car Engine Diagnostics

Even if you have vast experience in driving cars, taking the matter of engine diagnostic and repair on your hand is not a wise decision. The electrical components of your vehicle need special attention. You should rely on the specialists of car repairs in Sutton for this job instead of trying your hand on the car engine with your newly bought car repair kit.

To avoid all these costly mistakes of car repairs, you should always look for a garage where annual car maintenance is affordable and reliable. These experts will inspect your car thoroughly and suggest you the right repairs as per its requirements. They can also give you tips on regular car maintenance, which you can try on your own.

Nork Motors is a reliable and certified car repair centre in Sutton. We offer complete car repair and maintenance services at competitive prices.

3 Important Aspects of Car Servicing

vehicle structure Full Repair

Servicing the car at a regular interval is highly required to maintain its functionality and safety. If you consider your car as your body, then the car servicing is the regular medical check-up to ensure good health. Whenever you choose the right garage for car servicing in Epsom, you need to be aware of the three most crucial aspects of this job.

What Are the Top Features of Reliable Car Servicing?

Right Diagnosis of the Issue

Car servicing does not only mean cleaning the seats and checking the tyre pressure. It is something more crucial than this. The experts will check the car thoroughly to diagnose issues in it. From the engine to the batteries and from the lights to the cooling system – everything will be inspected to ensure that all of them are working fine. If these experts find any issue in any of these parts, they will suggest repairs and replacement.

Use of Genuine Parts

The use of genuine body parts while repairing or servicing a vehicle is highly important. Only genuine parts can ensure the safety of the car. The use of duplicate or cheap quality parts will not be able to provide you with complete efficiency, and your vehicle’s safety will be at risk. Reputable car servicing companies always use authentic and genuine parts at the right price. Hence, you can become relaxed when you take your car to them.

Complete Servicing of Your Car

Professional garages always offer complete servicing to your car. From the engine to the car body paint – they check and repair every part of your car with complete efficiency. In some of these garages, you can obtain MOT service for your vehicle. Hence, this can be a one-stop solution for all your vehicle repairing needs.

While looking for a reliable car repair and servicing centre in Epsom, you need to keep these factors in mind. You should check if the garage offers complete car servicing at a reasonable cost. It is important to get experienced professionals for this job to obtain efficient services.

Nork Motors is at your service for the last 40 years. We offer all kinds of car servicing at an affordable cost. Our experts also provide MOT. From the air conditioning of your car to the tyres – we offer everything.

Please get in touch with us to know more about our car servicing.

How to Ensure the Longevity of Your Tires?

Your car is something you use every day. Maintaining it properly is vital to its smooth running and durability. There are some parts of the car which require more care than the rest of the machine. Elements like the tires and the engine experience physical wear and tear and are more likely to breakdown if neglected. If you ask people known for car repairs in Epsom, tires are not cheap to repair or replace. When you are investing in tires, make sure you maintain them so that they last you long. Here are some ways which will help you:


Car Repairs Epsom


  • Air pressure and inflation are one of the top reasons why tires are worn out. Over or under-inflated tires are also the common cause of mileage problems. Getting your pressure checked and maintained once a week will help your tires immensely. This period should get more frequent in the colder months, and weight varies then.
  • Frequently driving on a high speed takes a heavy toll on your tires. Rash driving or driving on bad terrains can also cause a lot of problems in the tread. Smooth driving at average speed will not only ensure a long life, but it also helps other parts of the car.
  • When you get tires, check if they are correctly mounted. Wheel alignment should also be on the top of your priority list. Rotating the tires once in a while also works great in keeping the tires in good condition.
  • The wheel and suspension of the car are directly linked to the tires. The tires will bear any fault in them. All of them have to be maintained well so that the vehicle runs in harmony.

Any major issue in the tires can hamper the overall performance of the car to a great extent. So, one should be careful about maintaining the tire and checking it properly from time to time. Poor tire condition might lead to poor mileage. So, proper inspection of tires will keep your vehicle will be up and running always.

It is also essential to find the right people when looking for car repairs in Sutton. Nork Motors has over 40 years of industry experience and are very popular due to its excellent craftsmanship and skills. Not only are they very good at repairing cars, but they also offer maintenance services that will keep your vehicle in good health.

A Close Understanding of Risk Rating Concept Aided by MOT Testing Approach

Tyres Alignment

Rating the risk factor using the Matter of Testing (MOT) is a favorably new approach for both the testers and garages and has given rise to some serious concerns. Here is a discussion on the various aspects of the risk rating associated with MOT testing, how it works, and what measures to be taken to improve it.

Why is Risk Rating Important?


Achieving Efficient Work Flow by Setting a Control Mechanism

Setting the risk rating is a great option to mark a productive workflow as the authority responsible for measuring the risk factor cannot follow you everywhere. So, the right garages and testers are targeted by putting in innovative ideas and strategies. Particular focus is put on the improvement of the quality of the MOT testing. Hence data drive risk assessment stands out as a tool to find out the right path rather than deciding on the performance of the tester or the garage.

It is only about Testing the Risk Factor

It is all about rating the risk and not the discipline or the performance. The data is reviewed well to plan the enforcement checks for the testers and garages that require special attention. In case no severe problem is detected, the risk rating will undoubtedly improve.

What if the Risk Rating Turns Red?

If the risk rating turns red or amber, there is nothing to panic about. The score would be monitored, and if it is found that the garage or the tester is in the high-risk zone for several months, then a visit will be scheduled to understand the reason for the high rating.

Helping the System Work Better

Constant researches are taking place to understand how data can be used effectively. The MOT testing approach thus got better and more dynamic over the years.  It has gained adaptability as well.

The significant problems happen as the tests been conducted infrequently. Necessary steps have been taken to improve on this area of risk rating altogether. As the highest level of accuracy will be achieved, then other metrics will be considered. There will be a trial and error version, and more in-depth investigations will be undertaken to find the best solution.

Nork Motors is one of the car servicing and MOT centers. It offers high-class garage services and MOT testing advantages. They are well-known for excellent workmanship and dedicated client service

Get Your Vehicle Ready For Winter With Reliable Car Repairs In Epsom

Exhaust Emissions

With the cold weather taking hold, it’s time to prepare your car for the challenging conditions ahead. Carrying out special winter maintenance is thus essential for ensuring safe driving in this season. Wondering about how to ensure your car is prepared for the colder months? Fret not! Opting for professional car repairs in Epsom is all you need to do.

No matter how old or new your car is, the winter season can be a tough time for your vehicle. The freezing temperatures, high winds, heavy rain, snow and ice can all put your vehicle at risk.  Also, falling temperatures can lead to frequent car breakdowns during this time of the year. So, carrying out regular maintenance is crucial for avoiding anything unexpected throughout the colder months. 

Here’s the ultimate checklist to help you protect your vehicle from the harsh conditions ahead. 

Car Repairs In Epsom: 5 Useful Tips For Winter Car Maintenance


  • Take Your Vehicle For Regular Servicing 

Is your car due for a periodic service? If so, ensure it’s done before the winter season really takes hold. Taking your vehicle for professional servicing frequently can help you avoid most of the problems caused by cold weather. When you approach the specialists for car servicing, you can be assured of high standards of workmanship. 

  • Check The Battery 

Another vital factor to keep in mind during winter is looking after the vehicle’s battery. Driving in tough winter conditions increases the usage of heaters, bulbs and fan in the car. This increases the use of the battery. So, ensure you approach an independent garage and get your battery checked by skilled mechanics. If needed, get it replaced. Usually, a good battery lasts almost five years. 

  • Refill Engine Coolant 

The perfect mix for your engine coolant is 50-50 of antifreeze and coolant. Make sure you note that antifreeze gets diluted with time and must be refilled regularly. Some car owners top it up with water all through the year. Not only does it dilute the antifreeze further, but also reduces its effectiveness. What’s worse, the water might freeze and cause damage to your car’s engine, resulting in costly repairs. 

  • Check The Tyres 

Specialists with years of experience in offering car repairs in Epsom suggest that checking the tyres is a key consideration. Good tyres are very crucial for ensuring safe braking and steering of your vehicle. Before embarking on a journey, you must check if the tyres are in perfect condition. Firstly, check the tread depth and pressure of the tyres. Make sure your tyres have the correct tread depth so that your vehicle has a better grip when driving on icy and snowy roads. 

  • Clean The Lights & Indicators 

Make sure you thoroughly clean the mirrors, light bulbs and indicators of your car. If you find cracked lens or blown light in your vehicle, make sure you get them replaced right away. Most importantly, check if the full-beam fog lights, indicators and full beam headlights are working properly. Remember; being able to see where you are going is the topmost priority in winter. 

Time to get your car winter-ready!

Potential Signs of a Transmission Failure in Your Vehicle

MOT testing services

Any vehicle is bound to experience wear and tear with prolonged use. The transmission system may fail over time. The components of the transmission system are exposed to high stress, which can cause transmission failures and needs immediate car repairs.


Signs and symptoms of transmission failures

  • If getting the vehicle into gear gives you trouble even with a depressed clutch, it is a sign that that the transmission system has failed. The reasons for this failure could be many such as less quantity of transmission fluid, mechanical wear and tear, shabby and worn out bearings, gear teeth and reverse idler gear. 
  • Another sign of a transmission failure is the wet gear. You may find it difficult to control the car with a slippery gear. This calls for immediate attention, as the situation is hazardous.
  • The burning smells of the transmission fluid is another symptom of a failure in the transmission system of your vehicle. This happens when the transmission system is overheated. Less transmission fluid causes overheating because fluid has to be adequate to provide lubrication to the components of the transmission system. When the transmission liquid is enough, burning is prevented.
  • Another sign that the transmission system of your vehicle has failed is a dragging clutch. When the clutch pedal has too much slack, it results in a dragging grip.

Why is early fixing important?

If your vehicle experiences any of the failures mentioned above, you must get it checked and treated. Fixing the problem at the onset is necessary to prevent expensive repairs in the future. Other the saving you money, it will also prevent you from accidental road disasters and casualties.

If your vehicle bears manual or automatic transmission, wear and tear is a common problem and causes a great deal of stress to the components of the system over the years. Following these signs, you can detect the issues early and can offer immediate service to your vehicle.

Nork motor engineering provides the best car repairs and servicing. The highly skilled and expert workers will examine your vehicle and find out the exact reasons behind the transmission failure of your car. Their transmission repairs are cost-effective and performed in a reasonably short period. The technicians will ensure that your vehicle is fully repaired and safe for use. Once your car is repaired, you can rest assured of the vehicle giving you a smooth and hassle-free drive.

Opting For Car Repairs In Epsom? Debunk The Myths First

Car Service Nork Motor Engineering

If you are willing to increase driving safety, enhance fuel economy and boost performance, take your car to a renowned garage at fixed intervals for professional servicing and repair. Getting your faulty car repaired at the right time will make it safe for driving. Experienced mechanics will not only repair the fault but also assess the car’s condition to determine whether there are any underlying issues.

3 Common Myths About Car Repairs In Epsom Have Been Debunked


  • “The Oil Should Be Changed After Every 3000 Miles”

Gone are the days when car owners had to change their engine oil after their car has covered 3000 miles. With the passage of time, manufacturers have started using technology to produce more efficient cars. You don’t have to follow the 3000-mile schedule anymore. Some of the latest cars require oil change after every 7000 miles. Read the Owner’s Manual before hiring a mechanic for an oil change.

  • “You Can Measure The Remaining Tire Tread Using A Coin”

The easiest way to avoid accidents is by replacing the tires before they reach 2/32 of an inch. Since all car owners don’t have tire depth gauges, they use coins to determine the measurement. The results are not reliable as tires often wear out unevenly. Mechanics offering car repairs in Epsom assess the condition of the tire’s sidewalls and tire’s age before replacing them.

  • “Change Air Filters Frequently”

Though air filters are an integral part of your car, it does not necessarily mean that you have to change them regularly. Let mechanics assess its condition during an oil change and they will let you know whether you have to change the air filter. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenses. Sometimes, just cleaning the filters is sufficient to ensure their performance.

Since the common myths about car repair have been debunked, it’s time you start looking for a reputed garage offering the service in Epsom.