When you take your vehicle to the nearest garage for servicing, it is necessary to know what the major services they will provide are. What is checked and how it will be checked varies from one garage to the other.
However, there are some general basic services that every garage owner in Sutton finds imperative to maintain the efficiency, safety and health of your vehicle. Whenever you go there for car repairs or general servicing, they will deliver certain services.
Types of Services
- Interim Service: This car service is usually carried out every six months or 6,000 miles.
- Full Service: This service is typically carried out every twelve months or 12,000 miles.
These services aim to check almost every part of your car to ensure their best performance and your safety on the road.
The Services Include
Both interim and full car services include a complimentary checking of the exterior lights of your vehicles. The experts will check to ensure all the front, back, side and rear lights are working efficiently and are in the best condition. Along with them, indication lights, fog lights and brake and reverse lights are also inspected and repaired (if there is any issue).
This is one of the vital parts of every car servicing. Certified automobile technicians will thoroughly check the brakes of your vehicles. They will ensure that there is enough brake fluid that will keep the machine smooth and active.
Your car tyres go through the maximum wear and tear for obvious reasons. Hence, they need the maximum attention during every servicing. Technicians will check the damage to tyres, such as punctures and cracks. They will also check the balance, tread depth and pressure level.
Your vehicle has some vital electric parts that include the battery, starter motor and alternator. All these parts will be checked by car repair experts. They will repair and replace them if necessary.
Specialists will inspect every component of your car engine. Checking the transmission and rear axle, clutch, air and fuel filters, radiator, spark plugs, coolant hoses, fuel pipes, auxiliary drive belt, and the exhaust system – everything will be checked to ensure the best performance of your car’s engine.
At Nork Motor, we offer comprehensive car services according to your requirement and budget. Our car repair experts in Sutton will ensure that your vehicle is road-ready every time you visit our garage.
Please get in touch with us to know more.