What is Remapping of Cars and Why Should You Opt for the Same?

Car Service Nork Motor Engineering

With the advancement of technology, there are ample opportunities to personalise the driving experience. Rather than making the car a one-size-fits-all driving machine, technology and specialists are now giving the option of changing the car specifications and remapping the same to increase the car’s performance. Thanks to the wonders of technology, car remapping is a new feature that can help a car owner increase the engine’s performance.

Car engine remapping is a technologically advanced process that allows the car owner to increase the car’s driving performance. However, if the engine starts malfunctioning after the remapping has been completed, make sure that you take your car to professional car repairs in Sutton. Experienced mechanics can handle technological damage repairs.


What is the process of the remapping?

In the process of remapping, the vehicle’s engine control unit is targeted. If you’ve any specific requirements in mind about improving the car’s performance, then approach the mechanic and ask for car remapping options. This is an economical and technologically advanced way to unlock the different benefits of the car. Thus, with the help of remapping, you can unlock the hidden aspects of the car. Depending on the technological advancement, you can also remap the car engine using quantum tuning.


Why is remapping important?

Sometimes the car manufacturers would limit the performance of the vehicles and force them to underperform. Due to regulations, this step is sometimes necessary. However, with the help of car remapping, the car owner can easily improve the car’s performance level. Many times, to increase the car’s lifespan, the efficiency level is reduced. However, as a car owner, if you feel like increasing the performance to the highest possible level, remapping is certainly the best option.


Why is remapping important for your car?

The most important and noticeable change that you’ll experience in your car after remapping is an increase in the speed and power of the car. Remapping will successfully boost the power, torque, and overall performance of the engine and the car and help improve the car’s performance as well.

Trained remapping experts will also make the engine’s performance smoother and enhance the driving experience of the car. Always choose a specialist to get your car remapped as otherwise the car might get damaged beyond repair.

At Nork Motor Engineering, we have professional mechanics who can help you with car repair and car servicing in Sutton. Check our website for further details.

A Complete Overview of MOT Testing in Sutton

MOT testing

Getting MOT testing done is important if you are a vehicle owner. According to the regulations set by the Government of the UK, MOT testing in Sutton are mandatory for cars that are three years or over. Once you pass the test, you can prove that your vehicle is roadworthy.




Key Facts About the MOT Test

If you are the proud owner of a car that is three years old, you should get the MOT testing done to meet road safety and environmental standards. MOT is referred to as the Ministry of Transport Test. You can get them done at the authorise test centre. The technicians will conduct diagnostic testing of the car to approve a successful MOT Test.


How Long Does the MOT test take? 

On average, MOT testing takes somewhere between 45 and 60 minutes. However, you should take a few other factors into consideration.

Firstly, if the vehicle fails the test, it will have to undertake repairs and thorough inspection.

A test centre isn’t allowed to let you drive away a car that has failed an MOT until the problems are fixed, unless your existing MOT certificate is still valid, or you’re taking the car to have the faults fixed.

Second, the test might take an hour or less, but even if there aren’t any repairs, this doesn’t mean your vehicle will only have to be at the garage for 60 minutes.

An MOT test centre will prevent you from driving away the car after failing the test. However, there are a few exceptions in this regard –


  • If you have an existing valid MOT certificate
  • If you are taking the car to another garage to get it serviced and repaired


The Result of the MOT Test 

At the MOT test result, your car will either pass or fail. If the car fails the test, the mechanic will provide you with a list of things for repair. If the car passes the test, you will get the MOT certificate, and the data will be recorded in the National MOT database.


Reasons Why Cars Fail in the MOT Test 

Almost two among the five cars fail in an MOT test due to the following reasons-

  • Due to a problem with the registration plate
  • If the screen is not washed and topped up
  • If the car is full of rubbish and dirty matter inside
  • If stickers or other decorations are blocking the driver’s view
  • If there is a lit-up warning light on the dashboard


Pre-MOT Checks for the Car Owner 

  1. Keep the car clean, inside and out. Also, clean the boot
  2. Clean the number plates so that it is readable to all
  3. Check windscreen wipers
  4. Check if all the lights are in a working order
  5. Check the tyre tread
  6. Check the wheel and its alignment
  7. Top up all the car engine fluids
  8. Check the mirrors and adjust their positioning
  9. Ensure that the Vehicle Identification Number is intact.
  10. The car bodywork should be perfect without dents or scratches

At Nork Motor Engineering, we provide complete car diagnosis and inspection. Visit the website to know more.

4 Things to Check After the Car Servicing is Completed

MOT testing

Next time when you’re taking your car for servicing, make sure that you check a few factors before moving out of the service centre with the car. Sometimes without checking the complete service of the cars, if you move out of the garage, then a few parts of the car might be left unserviced. Thus, there’s a list of such things that you must check to avoid getting duped by the professional garage.


It is always recommended to take your car to a professional garage for car servicing in Epsom. They have experience servicing your car and can help you get the best services.

What things should you look for after car servicing is completed?


Check the work order/job sheet

Checking the work order or the job sheet is a part of the successful completion of the car service. The sheet is a way of communication between the mechanic and the client. While handing over your car for the servicing, you’ll be required to mention the flaws present in the same. The problems with your car are recorded in the job sheet. Hence when you take the delivery of your car back, make sure that you checkpoints out of the job sheet.

Examine the itemised bill

An itemised bill is generally prepared after the car servicing has been completed. Ensure that the worth of the car parts quoted to you to buy the service mechanics is the same as the itemised bill mentioned. Human or machine error is a common thing. Hence, it is always advisable to check the itemised bill to be vigilant and track if any miscalculations have been made.

Examine the coolant/brake fluid

It’s important to check the condition and the level of the coolant or the brake fluid before going out on the road with your newly serviced car. Sometimes during the car servicing process, the coolant or the brake fluid might have got hampered, or the level must have changed. Hence, before you finally take your car out of the garage, make sure that you check the coolant levels.

Check levels of engine oil

The engine is the heart of the car. Hence it is necessary to check the engine oil levels before you go out on the road with your newly serviced car. As the filter of your car keeps changing, the transmission of the engine oil levels also change. If your garage mechanic has replaced the engine oil, you can easily identify the same by checking the colour of the new oil.

Are You Aware of These Car Servicing Mistakes?

Lights Damage repair

Proper and regular car servicing can enhance the lifespan of your car. On the other hand, mistakes in car servicing can kill the vehicle. As the owner of the car, you should know what these common mistakes are that you must avoid while taking your car to the garage for servicing and maintenance.

Even if you are trying maintenance at your home, you should avoid these costly mistakes with your car.

Ignoring Your Dashboard’s Warning

The dashboard’s warning light is installed to let you know that your car needs servicing or maintenance. Ignoring that warning is one big mistake most car owners often make. Warning lights got their name for certain reasons, which you should not ignore. Take them seriously and follow the indication to understand what type of maintenance your vehicle currently requires.

Skipping Oil Change

Every car manufacturer recommends a certain routine for oil changes in their vehicles. As the owner, you should follow their recommendations. Though newer cars do not need frequent oil changes like the older ones, you must follow the user and maintenance manual to know how often the oil of your car should be changed. Skipping the schedule or ignoring it is a big mistake.

Ignoring Crucial Engine Faults

This can lead to serious road accidents. You should never ignore crucial engine failures. An engine needs a cooling system whenever it gets hot. The job of the cooling system is to prevent the engine from being overheated. Check the cooling system of your engine frequently to ensure that it is properly working.

Ignoring Misaligned Wheels

This may seem simple, but driving a car with misaligned wheels can cause serious issues. Never forget to check the alignment of your wheels to ensure proper balance of the car. Follow the owner’s manual to be sure about the tyres pressure, balance and alignment to ensure safety while driving.


Car Servicing

Getting Your Car Services at a Roadside Garage

A roadside garage can never offer you the quality of services that you can obtain from an authorised service centre. These experts have special talent and experience to handle different types of vehicles. They can diagnose the issues in cars fast and offer the right solutions.

At Nork Motors, you can receive such specialised services for your car. Whether you come here for regular car servicing in Epsom or need something special – we are ready to fulfil your requirements within your budget.

Please get in touch with us to know all the details about our car servicing.

Top 6 Reasons Why Your Car Needs Regular Servicing

Lights Damage repair

It is crucial to ensure the safety, health, and efficiency of your car before you drive it on the road. All these features depend on regular car servicing. Before you take your vehicle to the nearest car service centre in Epsom, you should know why your car must not miss its routine servicing.


Car Servicing


Most Vital Reasons for Car Servicing

  • Improve the Performance

As a car owner, you always love to drive a car with maximum potential. Regular wear and tear affect it harshly. When your car receives regular maintenance and servicing, you can enjoy the improved performance of your vehicle for a longer period.

  • Ensure Safety

It is imperative to ensure that the car you are driving on the road is safe and drivable. The expert car technicians check all the parts of your vehicle during servicing to ensure that everything is in proper order. They not only inspect but change the damaged parts to improve the vehicle’s safety.

  • Good for Environment

Carbon emission from cars causes severe damage to this planet. Regular servicing will control this emission to protect the environment from the toxic elements your car typically emits.

  • Keep the Parts Safe

The car mechanics check every crucial part of your vehicle during servicing. It includes the engine, batteries, lights, air conditioning unit, breaks, tyres, and others. They ensure that all these significant parts of your car work perfectly when you drive the car because a car can run smoothly as the result of the collective effort of all these parts.

  • Improve the Overall Lifespan

Regular servicing always improves the overall lifespan of vehicles. When your car does not go through maintenance and servicing, its inbuilt capabilities will decrease, and so will the lifespan. You can avoid this and improve the lifespan of your car by at least 8 to 10 years with the help of regular servicing from a trusted garage.

  • Increase the Value of Your Car

If you ever wish to sell your used car, regular servicing will help you to get a great value for the same. A well-maintained car will bring a good amount of money for the seller because buyers would love to invest in such products.

At Nork Motors, we offer complete car servicing and maintenance. Our experts are also available to perform MOT. We have been trading in Epsom for more than 40 years. Please get in touch with us for more information.

How to Properly Take Care of Your Vehicle?

Car Servicing Garage

Your car is very precious belonging of yours. Thus, it must be maintained regularly and adequately. Car maintenance can be a critical everyday responsibility of being an adult. Though it can be time-consuming, it will ensure your safety and security on the road. It is crucial to make it an essential habit to pay a regular visit to the garage services in Sutton for proper upkeep.

Here are some few tips you can look into about taking care of your car.

Important things to Remember during Garage Services


  • Cleaning Windshield: If your windshield is not cleaned regularly, then it can be a safety hazard. Make sure to provide it with an orderly cleaning. A littered and dirty windshield can be a cause of concern. You can use the cleaning fluid to squeegee and soak the whole windshield.
  • Tire Pressure: It is essential to check the tire pressure before hitting the road. Make sure to remember tires with correct pressure have more longevity. This can also help to increase your fuel efficiency. The force of the tire also changes with temperature fluctuation. Make sure to look over it properly as tire checking takes only two minutes.
  • Check Oillevel: Your Car’s performance is primarily based on motor oil. Thus, it is essential to lubricate all the moving parts to keep the car functional. Your engine needs to have enough well to stop it from malfunctioning. Checking oil-level in of your car takes only three minutes, and the process is straightforward.
  • Keeping the Car Clean: This is a vital step to ensure the maintenance of the car. Your car is subjected to everyday sun, rain, mud, and other compounds which can affect the metal of your vehicles. These can also lead to discolouration. Make sure to wash your car at least more than three times a month.
  • Don’t Keep the Inside Messy: Do not use the inside of your car as a dumping ground. This can create a foul odour and environment inside the car. To experience an enjoyable journey, make sure the inside is clean and not messy.
  • Consult Professional: Make sure to call expert professionals to complete the process of maintaining the car. They can help you with servicing and keeping the engine functional.

Nork Motor Engineering is the successful and experienced company for Garage Services in Sutton. They provide wide-ranges of high-quality services. Their expert services are significantly cost-effective.